- WikiMadeEasy API: A Programmer-Friendly API for mining Wikipedia data
Information Retrieval: combining sources of evidence, learning approaches (applied to weighting schemes, feedback and proximity information), user modelling.
- Game Theory: analysis of classes of strategies in a range of domains, with recent work focussing on the effect of social structures on the emergence of cooperation in N-player social dilemmas.
- Artificial Life: study of the effects of combining forms of learning. This has included analysing the effect of cultural learning on populations of neural networks.
- Computer Games: A number of projects including the evolution of social structures interactions for NPC characters, evolution and analysis of strategies for real time strategy games, evolution and analysis of team behaviours, automatic generation and analysis of games and behaviours for NPCs in those games.
- Evolutionary Computation: analysis of effects of operators on different types of problems. More recent work into more expressive representations.
Over the past number of years, this research group has been actively involved i a number of projects in the domain of computational intelligence. Current areas of research include: